A Rare and Fatal Encounter: First Report of Gasterophilus intestinalis-Induced Fatality in an Akiabara Horse in Brunei Darussalam - A Case Report

  • Habyb Palyoga
  • Siva Nathan
  • Muhammad Faiz bin Dato Hj Metussin
  • Dk Juliana Binti Pg Hj Zohar
  • Rosli Bin Hj Mokter
  • Hadi Azhar Bin Hj Rosli
  • Nurhafilah Binti Hj Abd Latif
  • Pengiran Aimi Fadzilah Bin Pengiran Hj Kamis
  • Dk Nurul Kahrani Pg Hj Ishak
  • Maidin Bin Hj Md Salleh
  • Hamsiah Binti Mohd Saat
  • Diana Dennis


Gasterophilus intestinalis, or the "horse bot fly," primarily infects equines, with known cases causing discomfort but rarely resulting in death. This paper is the first record of G. intestinalis intestinalis-induced fatality in an Akiabara horse in Brunei Darussalam. The death of a 7-years-old intact female Akiabara horse due to infestation of G. intestinalis was recorded in 2023. The presence of G. intestinalis in Brunei’s horse population necessitates rigorous surveillance, highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing parasitic infection and the need for vigilant parasite research and surveillance in equine health management, thereby promoting improved equine healthcare practice in Brunei Darussalam. It is important to recognize and address parasitic infections, even in regions where they are uncommon. This case underlines the need for vigilant parasite control measures, early diagnosis, and effective treatment to prevent similar incidents. By strengthening surveillance, prevention, and biosecurity practices Brunei can safeguard its equine population from the risks of G. intestinalis infestation. Not only that, but enhancing biosecurity protocols for imported horses is vital to ensure the spread of G. intestinalis is prevented.
